Lots of businesses rely on emails as part of their regular marketing activities. E-mail marketing in conjunction with other forms of marketing is an effective way to reach your customers, and should not be discredited. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your customers, let them know what’s happening, and provide special offers or discounts. One thing I’ve been asked by a few clients lately is "how do I grow my database?" As a result we’ve developed some great strategies to help increase their mailing list, and here they are. Tip 1. Have a sign up form on your website One of the most important things is to have a sign up form on your website. This can be done fairly easily by embedding some code into your website. You don’t have to know code to do this. If you’re using a tool like Mailchimp for example, you can simply copy the code provided within the ‘Lists’ section and paste it with in your website. There’s also a code for a subscriber pop up if you want to have a pop up on your website. Just be mindful that not all people like to be annoyed with pop ups. ![]() Tip 2. Add a link to your email signature Your email signature should have links to your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, so why not add a link to entice people to sign up to your e-newsletter as well? The set-up for your signature will depend on what you use to manage your emails. If you’re not sure, ask your IT adviser, or take a look on Google or You Tube to see how this is done. Tip 3. Place a hard copy sign up form in store If you have a physical presence, not just an online one, then make a point of enticing people to sign up in store. Place sign up forms at your cash register, train staff to offer the sign up each time they put a sale through. If you have a restaurant for example, add a sign up form to your menu. You can also place a QR code on the sign up form leading people directly to your website or MailChimp sign up form. Although QR codes are not as trendy as they once were, if it makes it easier for someone to sign up then it’s been beneficial and provides an easy alternative rather than filling in a form. Tip 4. Create a competition or incentive Competitions or discounts can be a great way to entice people to sign up to your database. Offer an in store discount, special offers for your birthday or Christmas, VIP nights and shopping deals, or enter to go in the draw to win something of value. Tip 5. Have a social share button in your e-newsletters Make sure your e-newsletters have a social share button included. This is a simple drag and drop into your newsletter template and allows recipients to click to share on Facebook, Twitter or send to a friend through email. Tip 6. Create awesome content If people enjoy your content and get value from it, they are more likely to read, share and interact with your business. Provide your followers with something for nothing, like special offers, free advice, or a free e-book. Add value to someone’s day, make them happy and see the effects this will have on your business. Tip 7. Use your social media platforms Encourage people to sign up to your database through your social media platforms. Regularly post links to your sign up form and remind followers of incentives to sign up. You can also create links on your social pages too. For example, on Facebook you can add a button to your page asking people to sign up, book now, visit your website or send a message. You may also choose to link your Twitter and Instagram accounts to your sign up form instead of linking to your website. Tip 8. Advertising and Lead generation Finally, if you are really serious about growing your database and want to put some money into a campaign, you can look into advertising and lead generation options through digital advertising on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or Instagram. Ensure you have an amazing image and a great call to action. There are great tools available to easily capture people’s information. Once they’ve signed up be sure to follow up with a fantastic email and offer to attract and maintain their interest. There you have it, some simple tips to growing your database. If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to get in touch. I’m happy to conduct one on one or group tutorials, or Skype/Facetime sessions. Please email me at [email protected]. Too much to read, watch the video here.... |
AuthorNicola Symons Archives
September 2019