![]() A lot of large organisations underestimate the importance of good or even great internal communications. Senior management seem to think that internal communications is the responsibility of the HR or the communications department. This is not the case. In fact, like customer service, internal communication is everyone's responsibility. "Like customer service, internal communications is everyone's responsibility" So what does internal communications look like? Is it the monthly staff newsletter, an all staff email, or the internal staff intranet? It's true that all of these things form a part of internal communications, and they are great tools to keep staff updated, but they are just tools, and done on their own they are often ineffective. Staff need to feel appreciated, valued and respected. They like to be acknowledged for the work they do. After all we're only human! In life in general we like to be thanked and feel loved, it's the same at work. A workplace where staff do not feel appreciated, valued or respected will create a difficult work environment, and will result in lack of productivity and motivation. "A workplace where staff do not feel appreciated, valued Internal communication is so much more than just the 'tools of the trade', it is the feeling that staff have and that is created from the top down. Staff who feel valued will want to deliver, they will want to give back to the organisation, they will be productive, creative, motivated and loyal staff. Who wouldn't want to work in a workplace like that?!
Out of the Box Consulting can work with your organisation to develop and implement an Internal Communications Strategies. However the strategy alone will not improve the internal communications in the workforce, it's the people, the management team in particular, that will have to drive the strategy to create the feeling that all employees want to feel. Until next time, Keep Smiling! :) Nicola. Director - Out of the Box Consulting |
AuthorNicola Symons Archives
September 2019